On medieval maps, unexplored areas were described simply,
“Here Be Monsters.”
Unmapped terrain, mysterious creatures, undiscovered wealth —
great possibilities lurked at the edges of what was known.
Explore the unknown.
When I started Here Be Monsters, I was trying to capture something that had eluded me my entire career.
Although I’d spent over 20 years helping brands sharpen their message, fine-tune their identity in the marketplace, and sometimes reinvent themselves entirely, I had a hard time encapsulating the process by which a brand became a wholly realized being. I was attempting to describe something that couldn’t be named — the unknown territory that every brand must explore in order to discover its true self. Like Bigfoot or some other great cryptid, it seemed forever just out of reach.
Eventually I realized that there is no one way to discern a brand’s story. Each must find its own meaning in the wild beyond the boundaries of what is already known, following its own topography to discern its place in the world. Only after finding itself can it produce marketing and communications that express its true essence, making an unmistakable impression every time.
Chase the dragon.
That’s where Here Be Monsters comes in.
Like a native tracker, we guide brands through the wilderness that leads to their own identity. Our crew includes experienced strategists, writers, art directors, information architects and digital gurus working in concert to carve a passage. It takes effort, understanding and ingenuity. And it’s never the same path twice.
But by the end, we always discover sharpened messaging, greater integration across platforms, more meaningful communication and improved visual presentation. We strategically align every aspect of the brand with itself, creating a holistic entity whose every expression leads to a singular ethos. A unified message. And an allegiance to the core ideals that define the brand’s uniqueness among a sea of competitors.
Tell your story . . .

…around the world’s biggest campfire.
We are brave and strong.
Come explore with us.
– Chauncey Hollingsworth